You know creating a healthy lifestyle does not have to be hard. Take the stress out of eating and having to deal with acid reflux and bloating Below are seven simple ways to banish bloat for good!

If you are reading this post then I know you may be wondering how to debloat or even de-stress. You might have digestive issues like myself. I overcame them by using natural holistic strategies. Keep reading to find out how I overcome bloating.
Debloat with Ease
My health history included a prolonged journey to achieving my personal health. I was toxic, bloated, diagnosed with uterine fibroids and had major digestive issues.
My life is different now. I learned the tools I needed to change my body from the inside out! I learned how to transform my gut by detoxing, eating clean, balancing hormones and by using many other wonderful holistic health strategies. As a result, I was able to shrink fibroid tumors naturally!
Now, I educate people like yourself on the life changing benefits of clean eating, detoxing, maintaining good digestion and balancing hormones with a holistic (whole person) approach to health and wellness. Guess what my friend? I want you to have the same life changing experience I had after transforming my gut! If you commit to CHANGE, CHANGE will come!
Eat Simple & Eat Clean
You will feel amazing, plus strip years off how you look and feel. I know this to be true because it happened for me!
FACTS: 95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is manufactured in your digestive system. 80% of your immune system is manufactured in your digestive system.
Focus on strengthening this part of your body, the gateway to your health. You will boost your immune system, lose weight with ease, feel less bloated, uncover hidden food allergies, and, most of all, digest with ease, which means looking and feeling fabulous!
Yes, you heard me. Put down the phone, blackberry, and iPad. Get off of face book, turn off the TV, sit down, and just enjoy the activity of eating. Give yourself some quiet time so you can de-stress and digest! I know life gets busy. Believe me I used to read this statement all the time and I ignored it many times until I really began to sit down and quiet myself while eating. I saw major improvement in my digestion!
Why? It is so simple: when the body is stressed, it cannot digest, properly function, or effectively transform food into energy, or perform all its other jobs and metabolic processes.
We are all rushing. Rushing to eat, to squeeze in an errand, meet a deadline, get to an appointment, rushing. So, let us slow down. Start the process with your eating. Stop and sit down when you eat. Your body needs you to be calm to digest. If you are nervous, your digestive system is in "fight or flight" mode. It cannot work properly when it is stressed. Digestion is about transforming your food into fuel. When we get stressed, tired, or even nervous, our digestion does not function properly, and certainly not optimally.
CHEW, CHEW, CHEW and chew some more….
Digestion begins in your mouth. Remember when you were little, and your mother would tell you slow down and chew your food so that you would not choke? That always annoyed me as a child, but she was making a great point. When you do not chew your food, it sets the stage for poor digestion.
Start adding a good, quality probiotic to your daily routine. Incorporating cultured foods and drinks to your life, such as yogurt, miso, dairy or non-dairy kefir, kefir water, kombucha, cultured vegetables, and other cultured foods is a great way to improve digestion and overall health. These foods have been around for centuries.
Eat simple and eat clean. Our digestive system cannot digest junk. When we eat junk, we end up feeling like junk. Simple, right? I find that people often think that they are eating "clean", but they are eating foods that are wreaking havoc on their body and causing inflammation. Food either gives us inflammation or fuel. I always vote for the fuel!
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. I like to add flavor to my water so I that I do not become bored. This not only boosts flavor, but also enhances digestion if you choose the right additions. My favorites are fresh lemon juice, fresh lime juice, cranberry concentrate, ginger slices, grapefruit, and fresh mint leaves.
Put on your sneakers (or yoga clothes) because exercise is vital for digestion. Get moving! When you move your body, you move your Qi (the vital energy in your body), and this is key for your digestion. Even if you can only manage 12-15 minutes per day, get your heart pumping, and your digestion will improve. Plus, you will release key endorphins that will make you feel happy and less hungry.
